Stars Is Always Shining

Stars Is Always Shining

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Go Back To School.....

haha....esok da na blik sklh.......cuti cm skjp,,,,hdop msti dtruskan dan mse tidak boleh berpatah balik....biarlah yg lps mnjd kenangan.....dan yg mndatang mnjd cbrn...huhu...eceh!!
herm~~,,,,ahad x sklh agy coz Malaysia mng an......isnin bru start sklh....f3!!! pergh!! hope2 dpt kptsn cmrlang stiap periksa....xleh cm taun nie.....hampeh r gak~~ ngeee....
memain lu,,,,taun dpn bru struggle...amacam?? ok ark??? haha..
tahun bru,,alam bru,,azam baru n mcm2 r clzmtes still sme lorh!!! bru bez...huhu
xleyh memain doe~ PMR n 30 juz al-Quran.....amin....
skung ni dh ade  kwn yg akn dgr sume mslh aq....semua cerita hati aq lorh!! hihi....=)
hrp2 dpt dok tmpt yg aq nk dlm kls.....huhu....
ingt,,,,,kejayaan milik semua orang yg berusaha kearahnya.....

ok la,,,na tido.....assalamualaikum....

to all my clsmates...huhu..

4 Fun....

Hiduplah seperti lilin menerangi orang lain,janganlah hidup seperti duri dan menyakiti orang lain....

Cinta seringkali akan lari bila kita mencari, tetapi cinta jua seringkali dibiarkan pergi bila ia menghampiri....

Hal yang menyedihkan dalam hidup adalah ketika kamu bertemu seseorang yang sangat berarti bagimu, hanya untuk menemukan bahwa pada akhirnya menjadi tidak berarti dan kamu harus membiarkannya pergi...

Kadangkala kamu tidak menghargai orang yang mencintai kamu sepenuh hati, sehingga kamu kehilangannya.
Pada saat itu, tiada guna penyesalan karena perginya tanpa berkata lagi....

Tiada hadiah yang lebih berharga daripada nasihat yang baik....

Sayangilah diri kita sendiri kerana dirimu begitu berharga....


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wahai sahabatku...

wahai sahabatku,,,ampunilah aq seandainya aq terpaksa menyakitimu....tetapi,perit luka yg terpahat di dalam hatiku masih tidak dapat aq hapuskan.....=)

aq pkir,,inilah jalan yg tidak sanggup tetapi,,,herm~~
bukan aq tidak memaafkamu tetapi,,,=(
walaubagaimanapun,,,kter masih kawan...
tetepi mungkin tidak sepeti dulu.....

ampunilah aq....=)

Friday, November 26, 2010


syg kwn2 aq....
much love 4 u....


A friend is someone who cares and helps you when you are in trouble or when you are hurt.A friend comes in different ways.A friend will always remember you in their heart and you will remember them, too. =)

A friend is friendly, happy, and playful, too. A friend doesn't yell at you. You play with each other all the time.You try not to fight with a friend. You help each other when you get hurt.

They never fight with you because then they aren't your friend.

A friend is someone who cares for you, who sticks by your side when you're lonely, who helps you up when you get hurt, but most importantly friends come in different ways.

A friend is someone you have fun with, someone you care about and someone you love. A friend is someone you can tell secrets to. Friends especially don't steal from each other or fight. They always help and are kind to one another.

A friend is someone who doesn't dump you and who helps you when you get hurt. Someone who says they are sorry when they do something to hurt your feelings
A friend is someone who cares about you, plays with you and sticks up for you if someone is mean to you.A friend is a person who cares about you. He would let you borrow stuff, and wouldn't say mean things. He would be by your side and would not let you down.

A friend is someone you have fun with, someone you care about and someone you love. A friend is someone you can tell secrets to. Friends especially don't steal from each other or fight. They always help and are kind to one another.A friend is someone that never makes fun of you. They help you, share with you and neve...r boss you around. A friend is someone who never hurts you and cares for you. It is very special.


cuti + homework???
dhla melambak....adoi!!
hope2 dpt siapkan....
taun dpn dh F3...
nk pmr!!!!haha

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Nk bwk....

Aq rser nk bwk laptop la g KoPu tp confirm my father x ksik....
Aq rse nk bwk kamera....mayb boleh..
tp ari 2 gtau my mother,dyer tnyer nk wt per.....
Aq hrp bleh bwk...kmera pown jd r....

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Cuti n Keja Sekolah

asl kal cuti jer byk kjer sklh..

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Alhamdullillah after 3 hari exam,
akhirnya dpt jgk aq blik...huhuhu...
soalan dyer sederhana...
tp aq dh ader 1 b...
oh tidak...
x per nnti try lg k..
ingat ke ble rest time cuti nier,rpernyer
kner siapkan tau...

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Raya Cina???

Ader org ckp cuti raya cina just jumaat n sabtu jer..
Ala nak balik...
Dahlah wktu first2 dtg,dtg seminggu awl lak tu...